§ 41-6a-1632. Bumpers.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A motor vehicle shall be equipped with a bumper on both front and rear of the motor vehicle, except a motor vehicle that was not originally designed or manufactured with a bumper or bumpers.
    (a) On a motor vehicle required to have bumpers under Subsection (1), a bumper shall be:
    (i) at least 4.5 inches in vertical height;
    (ii) centered on the vehicle's center line; and
    (iii) extend no less than the width of the respective wheel track distance.
    (b) A bumper shall be securely mounted, horizontal load bearing, and attached to the motor vehicle's frame to effectively transfer impact when engaged.
    (3) If a motor vehicle is originally or later equipped with a bumper, the bumper shall:
    (a) be maintained in operational condition; and
    (b) comply with this section.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 2, 2005 General Session
Amended by Chapter 26, 2005 General Session